Soma Analytics is one of just three digital health start-ups to have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the ICT in Health topic.
Sign up here to join the first large scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) using a smartphone application to reduce stress and improve productivity at work.
The Horizon 2020 Project
In 2013, the costs of work-related stress and depression in the EU-27 was estimated to be €617 billion annually (EAHC Matrix study), taking into account costs to employers resulting from absenteeism (€272 billion), loss of productivity (€242 billion), healthcare costs (€63 billion) and social welfare costs (€39 billion).
The project focuses on the early detection and prevention of work-related psychological stress resulting in negative health outcomes, such as burnout or depression.
Soma Analytics has developed the Kelaa solution, a comprehensive smartphone-based system supporting mental resilience via the real-time monitoring of known stress biomarkers.
Phase 1 of the project validated the clinical and commercial feasibility of a smartphone-based solution that is able to detect and manage stress, delivering:
14% reduction in perceived stress
13% improvement of sleep quality
11% overall well-being improvement
€400,000 estimated savings (extrapolated) per year for 2000 employees
Phase 2 involves a large-scale randomised trial to generate additional clinical evidence and fine-tune the user experience of the solution.
Soma is still accepting applications to participate in the trial from organisations with a minimum of 500 employees. Register you interest by contacting
Benefits for Participating Organisations
Participant organisations will be part of a leading EU funded innovation and research project and receive access to Soma’s employee smartphone app and HR analytics dashboard, starting in April 2017. The application delivers personalised interventions to manage stress and build resilience that help to reduce absenteeism, presenteeism and staff turnover.
In addition, participants will receive:
1. Exclusive opportunities for joint communication and PR activities
We will regularly announce and promote the project and our partners through press releases and articles and showcase best practices in case studies.
2. Membership of the H2020 Wellbeing Innovators Network
Join a selected group of key influencers around health and well-being at work and shape the future of resilience in the workplace.
3. Opportunity to co-develop and buy at discounted price
Use the trial as an opportunity to customise the Kelaa solution to your needs and receive a discount following the trial.