Braini Review

Braini is a nootropic supplement that aims to improve memory, focus and executive function. This is no small task for a supplement with just 3 ingredients. SOMA Analytics founder Jason M puts it to the test in our Braini review. Find out how he got on with it below…

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Written by Jason M – fact checked by the editorial team

Jason is the founder of SOMA Analytics and has full oversight of the content produced. He has a wealth of personal experience in natural supplementation and has used a wide range of nootropic supplements for his own personal use. Jason has completed a range of neuroscience and biohacking courses including ‘Biohacking Your Brain’s Health’ through Emory University, Atlanta.

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Braini is a nootropic that had passed me by. In fact, when a good friend of mine told me about how he had been using this supplement for a couple of years I was shocked, as I’d never heard of it!

When he told me he had enjoyed positive results when using Braini, I knew I had to get my hands on a couple of bottles and take it for a test – so I did.

Two months later, here I am with my full Braini review – ready to get into the nitty gritty of this clinically supported smart pill, the ingredients contained within it, and ultimately how I felt when using it over a two-month period.

I’ll then look to compare it against other products on the market that seek to offer similar benefits – all with the aim of helping you to decide if Braini is a good option for you.

Braini bottle

Quick Verdict: Braini

Braini is different to any other nootropic on the market. It has a slim but highly impactful ingredient profile and although this is hidden behind a proprietary blend, there is no denying the results it achieves.

In our testing, we saw improved focus, concentration, and executive function in a matter of days rather than weeks or months.

About Braini

Braini bottle

Like most nootropics, Braini aims to improve executive function, memory and focus. They don’t focus quite so heavily on more fluffy terms such as ‘brain energy’, and there is likely a reason for this – as it contains no stimulants (more on this later).

Braini is the brainchild of Troy Ball, an entrepreneur famed for being the first female whiskey founder. Not something you often associate with cognition enhancing supplementation.

However, she has joined forces with chemical engineer Marcus Goddard, PHD, MBA, and between them they have put together a supplement that is clinically tested (supported by double-blind placebo controlled tests), affordable for long-term use and potentially carries with it some really potent benefits.

The ‘why’ for Ball and Goddard is a little more personal – with a will to seek solutions to the needs of their children (neurological disorders, autism, dyslexia, and attention problems) at the heart of their need to succeed with Braini.

Braini Benefits

The science behind Braini all rests on three ingredients. There are very few nootropic supplements we recommend here at SOMA Analytics that have so few ingredients – and often, when we come across products that do, they are found wanting.

But Braini promises a lot.

With just three natural ingredients and a relatively low dose that sits within a proprietary blend (usually another red flag for me), I really wasn’t expecting a lot. Don’t give up yet though, as my experience was actually very positive – which I will detail shortly.

Braini state that you can expect improvements in focus, better levels of concentration, higher cognitive capacity and flexibility and improved processing. They also mention potential improvements to mood – but this likely comes as a side benefit to the aforementioned benefits than as a direct result. Still, absolutely worth a mention.

What I really like about Braini is that they provide you with a tool to measure your own direct benefit. After all, we are all different, with different daily habits, nutritional intake, exercise levels, work habits etc. So, the impact of a natural supplement is likely to be different for everyone who takes it.

This is where Brain Powered Testing Inc. step in. Braini utilize their software to offer you a cognition test before you start taking Braini. You then take the 15-minute online test again after 30 days – and the software will show you your improvement (if there is any).

It also compares you to national averages based on your age. You get this information both before and after – and this alone is worth the cost of buying a month’s worth supply in my opinion.

To get a baseline test (especially if you’ve never taken nootropics before) is a great way to assess just how much you stand to benefit from taking a cognitive supplement, and just how much of an impact it has after taking one for a month or two.

The test itself is usually $80, and you get two tests worth a total of $160. Like I say, worth the price of the supplement alone.

The test is straightforward, with clear instructions. You just need access to a computer with speakers, mouse and keyboard – and crucially, no distractions!

Braini Ingredients

Braini label

Each serving of Braini involves taking two capsules with water. There are no instructions regarding when is best to take these, with suggestions that you can take them whenever suits you – either together or separately.

I took both capsules at the same time, each morning after breakfast.

There are no known major side effects from any of the ingredients contained within Braini, but still I prefer to take any kind of supplement after food rather than before.

Each serving is 700mg and the three main ingredients used are part of this 700mg proprietary blend. So we don’t know exactly how much of each ingredient is in each serving – just that it totals 700mg.

This means we need to place a lot of trust in the company behind it to get the dose of each ingredient right.

Essentially, the proof is going to be in the results.

Now, these ingredients are a little different to what we are used to seeing in many nootropics. This is always a little exciting to see something different, and it is fair to say that in this case they have all from high-quality sources.

Let’s take a look at each in more detail:


Peptylin is a pure silk protein peptide that is derived from silk moth cocoons. Although there is very little information on Peptylin (Braini is the only product in the world that includes it), the history of using silk moth cocoons goes back centuries in ancient Eastern tradition – with it being used in food to give more energy.

It has since been studied scientifically and there are 12 published clinical studies that have shown it can help improve executive function and reduce inflammation, and that it could have neuroprotective and neuroregenerative properties.

Personally, I would like to see more evidence to support this trademarked ingredient, but the early clinical evidence certainly does carry some weight.


Another trademarked ingredient, this time one that is derived from omega 3, 6 and 9 rich seeds found in plants native to the UK. There is no doubting the benefits that come alongside omega 3, 6 and 9 and the SDA and GLA fatty acids they contain.

However, again, there is little information available surrounding NeurXcel and the plant it comes from is not advertised clearly. However, it comes from the not so well-known Buglossoides plant – perhaps why they don’t mention it much.

That being said, the source is highly trusted, with NeurXcel being provided by Natures Crops International – a well-respected natural product supplier, with Andrew Hebard being the CEO and also a scientific advisor for Braini themselves.

Wild Canadian Blueberry

Wild Canadian Blueberries are much less rare than the first two ingredients we see, and as a result there is a lot more evidence to support their inclusion. Although the cognitive benefits are less clear (in the eyes of modern science), we do know that they are incredibly rich in antioxidants – with wild blueberries being more potent than cultivated blueberries.

There is some clinical evidence to support wild blueberries helping to improve neuroprocessing speeds, especially at an acute level – meaning that the improvement can be seen almost instantly.

Using Braini

For this Braini review, I ordered two bottles of 60 capsules each – so a two-month supply. Within 24 hours I had received my welcome email with a link to the cognitive test, which I duly completed. You can see my results (which are delivered as a PDF) below:

Braini cognition test results

Sometimes when starting a new supplement I work my way up to the full dose, however with Braini I decided to go for the full dose right from the off – after all, there was nothing there that I was expecting to cause any kind of stomach upset or any other side effects.

As someone who takes nootropics on a regular basis, I always think it is going to be difficult to gauge the impact of a new supplement I’ve not taken before. Considering the ingredient profile in Braini is so different to what I’m used to taking, I figured it would either have quite the impact, or none at all.

I’m also all for giving supplements a chance to kick in. Again, many require a compound effect over a longer period of time. Two months is usually enough for this.

With Braini being stimulant and caffeine free, this also meant I had gone into the review expecting very little in the short term – after all, caffeine is one of the most potent nootropics out there.

Braini capsules in hand

I was wrong to be so pessimistic!

I actually felt a lot more focused from day two. Yes day two!

In fact, it could even have been day one, however I did have a caffeinated drink just after I took Braini on day one so it’s hard to attribute this just to the supplement.

I continued to take Braini for another 7 weeks and focus, recall and executive function all felt improved. I didn’t notice any considerable improvement to my mood, and I can’t say that I had improved sleep or additional benefits that I hadn’t expected – but that’s not really the point.

The main benefits I was hoping for from Braini – it delivered on.

My test results also backed this up after the first 30 days, with every single one of my scores improving – executive function improved the most, going from 105 to 113.

The only area that I would find it hard to quantify a real improvement in, is in my memory. Recall was certainly improved. But longer-term memory is harder to judge and I can’t say I noticed any real change here.

As someone who spends a lot of time researching, reading, writing and editing words on a screen or in a book on a daily basis, Braini really felt like a potent weapon in my daily work-based arsenal.

The fast-acting nature of it likely makes it an ideal supplement for anyone who is adverse to caffeine as it genuinely feels like you get a similar acute benefit, but without any energy crashes or jitters.

For focus and dropping procrastination – it is also a winner.

Braini Costs

Braini is relatively expensive if you buy it as a one-off purchase, however if you buy it on subscription it comes in at a similar price to other nootropics on the market – currently 20% off when you subscribe to two bottles every two months, or 30% for three bottles every three months.

Alternatives To Braini

Hunter Focus bottle

The big question is, will I stick with Braini, or will I go back to my other tried and tested brands of NooCube and Hunter Focus?

I will likely add it to my cycle. I don’t usually stick to just one brand forever, and instead I like to cycle them a little. When I’m off caffeine or looking to reduce my intake of it, then NooCube has been my go-to – now I have another option with Braini.

For me though, Hunter Focus still reigns top in terms of the overall formula, quality and dosage of ingredients and value for money.

I didn’t think I’d like Braini as much as I do – and with so many testimonies from others to support it, along with a no-quibble refund policy – it’s certainly worth a try.


Braini is light on ingredients but heavy on impact – and the impact is fast-acting. I didn’t want to like Braini. Aside from the wild blueberries, there’s little evidence to support the ingredients used.

However, Braini’s own double-blind, placebo controlled tests along with numerous clinical experts backing it, make it credible.

What’s more, in my testing, I enjoyed impressive cognitive benefits that were backed up by the before and after brain test results.

It’s not cheap, but it’s impactful – and if you can grab it at a discount (like we have linked you too below), then it’s well worthy of your consideration.

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✎ September 25, 2024: Updated Quick Verdict Image and Feature Image. Resized other images. Added personal image for Hunter Focus. Checked links – to be renewed. Ingredients checked for updates, and separated for easier reading.