James Dixon takes this sleep aid supplement and tests it after examining the ingredient profile thoroughly – find out how he got on in his Relaxium Sleep review below…
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James Dixon
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Sleep issues can be chronic. Whether you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up without feeling groggy and lethargic, you are not alone. Plenty of us experience any or all of these symptoms at one point or another, exacerbated by stress, anxiety, and various other medical and lifestyle factors.
There are plenty of things you can do to help yourself, however. Lifestyle factors go a long way. Changing them up will go a long way. So too will supplementation. Supplements like Relaxium Sleep are designed to help you to fall asleep more readily and enjoy a better quality of sleep through the night.
But not all sleep supplements are made equal, so we examined this one and gave it a test to find out just how effective it is – find out here in this Relaxium Sleep review.
Quick Verdict: Relaxium Sleep
Relaxium Sleep is a bit of an odd one. There are some red flags involved that kind of ring alarm bells. The main study looking into its efficacy as an overall formula is deeply flawed. Plenty of the ingredients are under dosed in addition.
Though sometimes under dosed, the ingredients are mostly clinically proven to work, with just one exception.
That being said, we prefer Performance Lab Sleep from the company behind Mind Lab Pro.
It has a simple but highly effective natural formula based around melatonin, high quality magnesium and L-Tryptophan – all of which are designed to boost the amount of melatonin in the body and has been proven to be an excellent sleeping aid in our testing.
About Relaxium Sleep
Relaxium Sleep is a nice-looking dietary supplement designed as a sleep aid – it should help you to fall asleep faster, stay more deeply asleep, and wake up feeling fresher and more alert.
You should experience a far more restful night’s sleep with a far greater degree of dependability whilst taking it.
It is the brainchild of Dr Eric Ciliberti, a renowned neurologist and sleep expert. He created and developed it, using all-natural, non-habit-forming ingredients that are completely safe to take. They should promote a sense of calm, relax your body, and allow your body’s natural sleep cycles to come into being more ably.
How Relaxium Sleep Works
Relaxium Sleep’s formula is a blend of various ingredients proven to promote sleep and restfulness, and to help establish healthy sleep cycles. Though it works across a few different mechanisms, its main use is to stimulate melatonin production.
Melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone. It helps to regulate levels of cortisol, the stress and anxiety hormone, and promote deep, regular sleep. It reduces nerve impulses and lowers levels of dopamine by attaching to the brain’s receptors. Reduced dopamine levels can elicit sleepiness, encourage sleep, and keep you asleep more deeply.
Boosted levels, conversely, can help to keep you awake.
Melatonin has been clinically proven to work: melatonin has been used to treat primary sleep disorders, where it has been shown to induce sleep far more rapidly.
There are several ingredients that work in conjunction with this melatonin boost. It contains ashwagandha and magnesium. Both can aid in reducing levels of stress and anxiety. Magnesium will help you to sleep longer, too, aiding melatonin’s ability to have you fall asleep more readily.
Ashwagandha finishes this off by delivering its payload of triethylene glycol. Triethylene glycol has been shown to promote sleep induction.
Relaxium Sleep’s formula also contains gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is a neurotransmitter within the brain that decreases neural and central nervous system (CNS) activity. It essentially helps your brain and CNS to shut down when needed. As such, it is a useful ingredient for aiding sleep, decreasing levels of stress, both physical and mental, and anxiety, and eliciting a feeling of calm.
There is also a range of botanicals contained in Relaxium Sleep aimed at promoting sleep, enhancing your mood, and reducing insomnia.
Relaxium Sleep’s formula rests on a handful of proven, high-quality ingredients to improve your ability to fall asleep and your sleep cycle itself.
It begins with magnesium, a very smart choice. Magnesium itself won’t really improve your sleep. However, plenty of us are magnesium deficient, and magnesium deficiencies have been linked to stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as insomnia.
Optimizing your magnesium intake can help you to avoid these symptoms. I would rather see magnesium malate as it is far more optimally absorbed by the body. I would also like to see more. You only get 100 mg of magnesium in each Relaxium serving. However, it works well as a supplement to a balanced diet.
GABA is perhaps the star of the show. It’s an amino acid that your brain will typically produce naturally. However, it often won’t produce optimal amounts, which can be really challenging.
As above, GABA is a neurotransmitter, which means that it enables brain cells to communicate with one another.
You will often see GABA included in nootropics, for this reason. It has also been shown to aid sleep quality, in part by reducing stress levels. It can also lead to an improved mood and heightened alertness and energy levels, giving you a nice bonus on top of the improved sleep.
Then there is the amino acid l-tryptophan. Your body converts it into melatonin and serotonin. This means that you’re getting to sleep faster whilst also seeing a good boost in mood.
Relaxium has a good range of botanicals in its formula, too. For instance, you get their proprietary blend of valerest, a herb known for its ability to improve sleep quality and allow you to fall asleep faster. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine for its ability to deal with insomnia and anxiety.
You also get a good, 125 mg dose of one of my favorite supplement ingredients with each Relaxium serving – ashwagandha. It offers a great many benefits, chief amongst them is reducing anxiety and promoting calm relaxation and improved sleep quality.
It has been proven to aid with insomnia, though admittedly studies looking into it often use higher doses than you find in Relaxium.
Chamomile and passionflower are common in sleep aids. I drink them as a tea blend at night for rest and relaxation.
Chamomile has been used for millennia for its ability to treat insomnia and improve sleep quality, even showing promise for overcoming nightmares, night terrors, and night sweats.
It’s a little under dosed in Relaxium, at 75 mg per serving, but should add in nicely with the rest of the ingredients. Meanwhile, passionflower shares a similar pedigree, and has been theorized to further increase GABA levels naturally.
Finally, Relaxium goes straight for the heart of the matter with a good dose of melatonin. As we have seen, melatonin is the body’s ‘sleep hormone’. Produced in the pineal gland, it aids in sleep cycle regulation and is typically produced at night (or, rather, when your body registers that you are in darkness.)
In giving you an exogenous source of melatonin, the theory is that Relaxium should trigger your body to get a more speedily achieved, deeper quality of sleep.
Does Relaxium Sleep Work?
Relaxium Sleep really does work quite well. It should do, with the ingredients included in its formula.
I should note that there are a couple of potential side effects, mostly stemming from GABA and melatonin. They may cause excessive drowsiness and lethargy, may make it hard for you to wake up, and may cause dizziness and nausea and impair coordination. Muscular weakness and stomach upsets have also been reported by some users, likely caused by the ashwagandha. However, these side effects are generally quite mild and are pretty rare.
All of the ingredients are clinically proven to work well and be safe for human consumption, though some are a little under dosed. However, they should combine to give you what you want.
I typically struggle with anxiety, fueled in part by a respectable coffee habit. This also makes it hard for me to switch off and sleep at times. Taking Relaxium Sleep mitigated these symptoms. I took it for a few weeks and found myself calmer as a result. It was easier to nod off at night and I didn’t wake up until morning, which is quite rare for me.
I have to say that Relaxium isn’t the cheapest sleep supplement (see below). You might want to look elsewhere for value-for-money, especially if you’re working to a tight budget. However, there is no arguing with the results.
Evidence To Support Relaxium Sleep
This is where things get a little controversial. There are two sides to Relaxium’s evidence. One could torpedo it. The other makes it look very respectable.
First things first, the manufacturers, LLC, claim that Relaxium as a whole has been clinically proven to work. It hasn’t, or not as I would like to see.
Generally, ‘clinically proven’ means that a third party has tested a product, albeit company funded. These results are then published in a reputable, peer-reviewed medical journal for quality and bias control.
In this case, Relaxium’s claims to scientific validity seem to come from a study that wasn’t published in any journal.
Rather, it is available as a PDF document on their site. This ‘study’ was funded by LLC. Without peer review, this is a troubling fact – there is no quality control and no controlling for bias. We cannot trust these results at all. They might as well be non-existent.
So much for the first aspect. The second aspect is more cheering. This is because, though the formula hasn’t been properly tested as a whole, the ingredients going into it have generally been studied in immense detail, with plenty of properly published work showing their efficacy.
For instance, you get three types of magnesium, including large amounts of magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate. As above, I would rather see magnesium malate as it is far more optimally absorbed by the body. However, magnesium is well-studied and proven to work well for sleep improvements.
Valerest, Relaxium’s botanical blend, has been shown to be pretty ineffective. A study showed that 300 mg of valerest herb (roughly what you get with Relaxium) nightly didn’t improve participants’ sleep.
Ashwagandha earns its place far more fully. It is included at an effective dose, at 125 mg. A landmark study looking into 120 mg daily found significant improvements to sleep quality in participants over a placebo. However, more recent work has suggested that doses of around 600 mg or perhaps even more may be more effective for sleep.
Similarly, GABA has been shown to improve sleep. The dosage in Relaxium is at the lower end of the effective range. It’s still in the effective range, however, and should work well in conjunction with the rest of the formula.
This under dosing is perhaps a bit of a trend. Chamomile has been shown to give sleep benefits, but at doses more typically around 400 mg, rather than the 75 mg you get in Relaxium.
The melatonin content is sound, however. You get 5 mg, which has been shown to be an effective dose.
Melatonin is one of the most well-studied, non-toxic sleep aids, or potentially the most well-studied. This alone makes the formula worthwhile. Pair it with everything else, even if some of the doses are a bit lean, and you have an effective compound.
Alternative To Relaxium Sleep
Relaxium Sleep is a decent product. It is, as it claims to be, entirely natural and non-habit-forming. However, it isn’t the only game in town, nor is it necessarily the best. As above, I have a few minor reservations about it. With this in mind, we have two great alternatives – NooCube Sleep Upgrade and Performance Lab Sleep.
Performance Lab Sleep is a great alternative – with it including Montmorency Tart Cherry which is rich in melatonin. It also contains the key ingredients of magnesium and L-Tryptophan too, which promote muscle relaxation in your sleep.
There are no proprietary blends in Performance Lab Sleep and as such you know exactly what you are getting with each dose. It’s easy to take and has an almost immediate impact in helping you drift off in to a deep and restorative sleep.
NooCube Sleep Upgrade is another excellent alternative, with a clinically backed formula that in our testing worked wonders for sleep improvements – with substantial improvements seen after just 3 nights. Best results were achieved after taking NooCube Sleep Upgrade for at least two months with regular sleep patterns much improved with continued use of the supplement.
Other Factors Affecting Your Sleep
There is plenty you can do to support naturally improved sleep without relying too heavily on supplements – though supplements are always a good bet. In addition to taking something like Relaxium Sleep, you should set up your lifestyle to ensure a better quality of sleep.
As a start, you should consider creating a sleep schedule and putting a consistent night time routine in place.
This will allow you to budget for the right amount of sleep and prime your brain and body for switching off. While you’re at it, try to reduce overall stress levels; try particularly to reduce stress levels in the evening or at night.
Consider practicing mindfulness and/or meditation as a way to bring your anxiety levels and blood pressure down.
Avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, especially in the afternoon and evening, so that your body will be able to fully relax and switch off.
External factors will also go a long way to helping you improve your sleep quality. Eliminate the use of blue light and screen devices in the evening and at night, staying away from your laptop and phone. Create a comfortable, soothing bedroom, and only use it for sleep and sex.
That way, you won’t be triggered to do anything else in there (like working, checking messages, etc). Turn the lights down low and reduce noise for an hour or so before bed.
If you want to sleep well, you also need to ensure that you are tired. Properly tired, not just wrung out. Try to get plenty of exercise, becoming as active as possible during the day. If you hit a hard gym session in the afternoon and avoid stimulants afterwards, you likely won’t make it to 10pm without falling asleep and staying asleep.
Pair all of this with a good sleep supplement and you’ll be well on your way to a good night’s rest.
Relaxium Sleep is an odd one. The research they cite for their product is fluffy. It isn’t legitimate science and should not be trusted. This being said, everything that goes into it is kind of kosher. It reads like a laundry list of things you should take if you’re trying to improve your sleep, showing that they really have done their homework. It really should work as a good sleep aid.
There are cheaper options out there. Melatonin and chamomile alone will likely work for a lot of people, for a fair amount less expense. However, this doesn’t undermine Relaxium Sleep too much. Though the company themselves are a little off, their product is the real deal.