Our nootropic expert Alex Whybrow examines just how powerful this brain boosting supplement is in our Hunter Focus review. Read on to find out if it suits your brain boosting needs…

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Written by Alex Whybrow – fact checked by Jason M & the editorial team
Alex is a full time writer. He is a creative soul who loves to express himself through his written word. When focus or concentration becomes an issue he turns to nootropics. Aside from the world of nootropic supplementation and writing, Alex is a huge fan of coffee and can regularly be found consuming it and writing about it.
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Hunter Focus – An Introduction
The nootropic industry is expanding at an impressive rate. While many companies have been around for a decade or so, in the last few years the popularity of these supplements has exploded, with new products springing up all the time.
With so many different options available to you, choosing the right one is a big deal. While each one of us will react slightly differently to different nootropics and their ingredients, you can put the odds in your favor by doing a little bit of research.
Sites like ours are designed to help you make the best decision possible when it comes to nootropics.
Our article today will be looking at Hunter Focus, which they describe as “The ultimate brain pill” on their website. Our aim is to assess how effective it really is, beyond all the marketing.
Hunter Focus is made by a company called Roar Ambition – a specialist supplement producer that was formed in 2012. Based in the UK, Roar Ambition has an extensive range of products all designed to create the best ‘you’ possible, in both body and mind.
From getting lean and building muscle, to boosting testosterone and improving focus – Roar Ambition have an elite catalog of effective, natural supplements to help.
Hunter Focus is designed to unlock our ability to concentrate, with the use of all-natural ingredients that help or brains work more efficiently to retain and recall information, become more creative, and maintain focus.
This mental ability is undoubtedly an attractive benefit – but does Hunter Focus work? In this article, we are going to be taking an in-depth look at how Hunter Focus works, particularly as we analyze the ingredients used.
We will then put Hunter Focus to the test and report on what we found when we started taking these capsules, before then looking at some frequently asked questions and delivering our verdict.
Let’s kick things off with a look at the benefits of Hunter Focus.
Hunter Focus Benefits
On the Hunter Focus website, they list six main benefits that will help you, all from taking this nootropic – or at least that’s what they claim. Let’s take a look at each of them.
Enhanced Memory
The immediate thing we think of when we consider the prospect of enhanced memory is usually around remembering people’s names or key dates from our lives. This is undoubtedly a welcome benefit, but when we improve our memory we can also work much faster.
It’s not just remembering your colleague’s partner’s name at a work gathering. Nootropics can be hugely beneficial in many work spheres, from board meetings recalling statistics and figures, to healthcare settings, memorizing patient details and records.
Greater Focus
Focus is everything, isn’t it? Everything in the modern world is designed to demand our attention – emails, calls, text messages, social media… we’re at a time where we are receiving more information in one day than ever before.
As a result, our focus is taking a big hit. I personally don’t believe in the hype of multitasking. Our minds do a much better job when they master each task.
But in today’s world, we don’t have much choice. With a the help of a decent nootropic, we have a much better chance of achieving so much more when our minds are truly switched on, focusing on the task at hand without distractions meddling with our productivity and indeed, our ability.
Elevated Mood
Pressure and anxiety can trample your mood. And when your mood is low, so is your motivation, and so the rest crumbles. You know that feeling when, say, it’s your last day at work before you switch off to go on holiday, and you feel more energized and ultimately get more done?
That’s what you get with an elevated mood, and Hunter Focus believe they’ve included the right ingredients to help you get that healthy uplift.
Increased Energy
Energy is critical if you are going to make the most of your ability. From dragging yourself out of bed in the morning to getting down to the gym, or pushing yourself to achieve what you set out to do – the more energy you have, the better. And this kind of goes hand in hand with that boosted mood.
What you may find with other supplements (particularly those that include caffeine) is that you experience a quick boost in energy, and then comes the crash… Hunter Focus goes easy on caffeine ingredients to avoid just this.
It is included, as caffeine is a fantastic brain booster – but the dosage is a delicate 100 mg, which is about the same as a cup of coffee.
Instead, Hunter Focus have created an ingredients profile that’ll give you a balanced, steady and very helpful level of energy throughout the day.
Boosted Creativity
We’re not just talking about artistic merits here – creativity is crucial to solving problems. Thinking about things in a new way is the key to making progress, whether that’s in finding a solution to a problem, or even in yourself and your work.
Hunter Focus aims to help you work smarter not harder, and unleash your creative potential.
Optimized Learning
This is a game-changing aspect that makes nootropics so appealing to students. Quality supplements really can help our brains process, retain and apply knowledge during study and examination.
But this benefit is important for everyone, particularly in this modern, ever-evolving world we live in, where we’re surrounded by newly emerging and constantly updated technology and ways of living.
Being able to pick up new concepts quickly is imperative when it comes to becoming more successful.
The real target with Hunter Focus is to improve your all-round cognitive performance – but how does it hope to achieve this? With a carefully crafted combination of natural ingredients.
Hunter Focus Ingredients
The theory behind the ingredients that are used in Hunter Focus, as well as most nootropics, is to harness the power of naturally occurring chemicals and compounds by using natural ingredients. Each one plays a slightly different role, so let’s take a look at each one, and what you can expect from them.
The Hunter Focus recipe is split into three main areas – Concentration Activation, Memory Matrix, and Mood Amplification – with each of them made up of different natural ingredients.
We’ll look at each one separately.
Blend 1 – Concentration Activation
As a naturally occurring brain chemical, citicoline plays a role in increasing the production of other chemicals in the brain that transport messages.
The theory is that the more citicoline you have in your brain, the quicker the messages are sent, and the quicker your brain works.
Citicoline has been used for helping people with memory loss, as well as to treat eye disorders such as glaucoma. The exact effectiveness of this is not clear at the moment, but research is ongoing.
According to the producers of Hunter Focus, citicoline could be responsible for improving brain energy by 13.6% and membrane formation by 26%.
Tyrosine is an amino acid – seen as a building block of protein. You’ll find tyrosine in protein-rich foods such as nuts, eggs, beans and meat.
It is another aid to the transmission of messages between different areas of the brain, which is crucial when it comes to mental alertness. It is thought that by taking tyrosine our memory will improve, as will our mental performance during stressful situations.
The people behind Hunter Focus have conducted double-blind tests with tyrosine supplements and found that the mental performance was improved in the group that had the supplements versus those that had taken a placebo. There needs to be further testing to back this up, but these are promising signs to support its effectiveness.
Another amino acid now, this time L-Theanine. Rather than promoting brain activity and performance, theanine is linked more to our moods and can actually act as a mood booster. It is often used to tackle stress or anxiety.
You can find theanine in tea and some mushrooms, and it is linked to raising the levels of key chemicals in your brain, such as dopamine and serotonin – the effect of these is that we feel more calm and relaxed. It is also thought to have a positive effect on our imagination and can help us with our creativity, which is where we get that out-of-the-box mindset from here.
Again, this has been tested by Hunter Focus, and they have found that subjects performing better under stressful situations have taken L-Theanine supplements than those who didn’t; but as ever, this does require more independent research in order to fully establish how effective it is.
Ginkgo Biloba
(Edit: Ingredient added to this article June 2024 in line with updated ingredients list.) Ginkgo Biloba is quite a gem of an ingredient that Hunter Focus have added to their formula. It’s the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree that have been proven to work quite some magic for our cognitive health.
Firstly, there is evidence that it can help reduce our blood pressure and cortisol levels caused by stress. This is a great way to deal with the fact that we are all going to experience stress in our lives, some more so than others – and while we can do as much as possible from to prevent it in the first place, Ginkgo Biloba works to alleviate the damaging effects it has on us.
As a consequence, the quality of our sleep will also improve, which is an important time for our brains to recuperate and store all the information we’ve learned during the day.
Ginkgo Biloba also improves the blood flow to our brains. This improves our cognition and also helps prevent aging particularly when we’re older, and can possibly help alleviate the effects of Alzheimer’s.
Spanish Sage
(Edit: Ingredient added to this article June 2024 in line with updated ingredients list.) Spanish Sage has had some research attention for quite some time now, for its overall health benefits and most specifically cognitive. A study in 2003 involving healthy young people showed improvements in immediate word recall when taking Spanish Sage.
More recently, research shows it enhances working memory and accuracy significantly. There’s also some indication that it may contribute towards alleviating depression, however we need much more research on this to confirm its efficacy.
Blend 2 – Memory Matrix
Lion’s Mane Mushroom
Lion’s Mane is most commonly found on dead hardwood trees, like oak trees. It is a mushroom that is usually found in East Asia and has been used in medicine for centuries.
It is thought that when we take Lion’s Mane, it aids the development of nerves in our body, as well as protecting them from damage. This is advantageous throughout our bodies, but particularly the brain. It has been used to treat conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and anxiety.
In tests conducted by Hunter Focus, they found that people who had been taking Lion’s Mane for more than eight weeks showed “significantly increased scores on the cognitive function scale compared with the placebo group”.
Maritime Pine Bark
Another naturally-growing ingredient is Maritime Pine Bark. This is usually grown in Mediterranean countries and is thought to have quite a few positive health effects, from helping to treat asthma to helping with pains in the legs.
The main theory for this is based on circulation. Maritime Pine Bark is thought to contain chemicals that could aid blood flow, which is great for the brain as well as the body in general.
Increased blood flow in the brain is ideal for greater focus and concentration. Another trial conducted by the team behind Hunter Focus found that after 3 months of taking Maritime Pine Bark supplements, subjects performed much better at cognitive tests than their placebo-taking counterparts.
Bacopa, sometimes known as waterhyssop, is yet another naturally-growing ingredient in Hunter Focus – this time found growing in wetlands all over the world, most commonly in India.
It is thought that bacopa encourages some chemicals in your brain, particularly the ones relating to memory and thinking. As such, bacopa has often been used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, as well as anxiety. It is thought that it can also help to balance your mood and prevent the brain from aging.
There have been plenty of studies of bacopa over the years, many of which suggest that taking supplements could improve your memory as well as help you process things in your brain more quickly, although as always, we’d love to see more research on this.
Rhodiola Rosea Extract
(Edit: Ingredient added to this article June 2024 in line with updated ingredients list.) Research indicates that supplementing with Rhodiola Rosea Extract can help reduce fatigue and improve mood after just one week, which is phenomenal! It’s also been shown to increase how alert we are, and even reduce our cortisol levels.
Further still, ongoing research is showing that Rhodiola Rosea Extract may help with anxiety. This could be extremely beneficial for many of us, and as a result, this could help with our mental and physical performance.
As such, we could also experience an improvement in sexual performance. A surprising benefit, but a welcome one for many.
Blend 3 – Mood Amplification
Phosphatidylserine is a fatty substance that protects brain cells, which helps to prevent the damage in our brains that is associated with aging.
As a result of this, it is often used to help treat conditions associated with brain decline and memory loss such as Alzheimer’s disease, but there isn’t enough evidence to suggest it is particularly effective in this regard.
That said, there have been tests done that suggest that phosphatidylserine can normalize cortisol in our brains, which helps us manage stress. Many people who take phosphatidylserine report improved mental health and general wellbeing.
An evergreen shrub now – ashwagandha, which is usually found growing in Africa and Asia. It has been used in medicine for over 6,000 years to treat a variety of illnesses and symptoms – arthritis, respiratory issues, tumors, insomnia and anxiety.
It is that last condition, anxiety, that we are particularly interested in here. Ashwagandha is thought to help lower blood pressure and reduce swelling, which means it helps calm us down in moments of stress.
While there needs to be more research conducted to quantify its effect, some studies have shown that ashwagandha can help reduce cortisol levels by up to 27.9% – allowing stressful situations to become more manageable, with the ability to think more clearly.
Panax Ginseng Extract
(Edit: Ingredient added to this article June 2024 in line with updated ingredients list.) I love the addition of Panax Ginseng here – it’s in all the decent nootropics for its multiple benefits.
Firstly, it reduces fatigue, which is always welcome – feeling sluggish can really hamper our ability to focus and recall information as and when we really need it. Panax Ginseng also work to reduce stress symptoms and improve the quality of our sleep, which as I’ve mentioned already can have quite the impact alone on our cognitive health.
It’s also possible this plant root can prevent cognitive decline, and more research is going into discovering what it can do for victims of Alheimer’s.
4 – Vitamin Supplements
B Vitamins
On top of the three main groups of ingredients listed above, there are also a host of vitamins added. Vitamins B6, B9 and B12 all help to increase the amount of energy produced in the body – which is crucial for cognitive performance and preventing stress and anxiety.
It is generally considered that these ingredients are most effective at countering a deficiency, rather than boosting the performance of healthy brains.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants that we can introduce to our body, so by ensuring that we have enough we can help clear our brains of oxidative stress and improve its functioning.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin which helps your body take on crucial amounts of calcium and phosphate, which keep your bones healthy.
Again, if you are low on vitamin D, it could impair your cognitive performance, but there is little evidence to suggest that taking supplements can help already healthy brains to perform even better.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is thought to help reduce inflammation which helps to protect brain cells, which has led to people suggesting that it could be used to help fight Alzheimer’s disease. The theory that this subsequently helps healthy brains to stay healthy is solid but does require more research.
How To Take Hunter Focus
It is recommended that you take 6 capsules a day, which is a lot compared to most other nootropics that are available today. It’s recommended you take them with a meal, with breakfast probably the best time so that you can feel the benefits throughout the day.
They come in packs of 180 capsules, which will last you a month.
Using Hunter Focus – The Results
At the time of writing, I have been taking Hunter Focus for a month, and I am going to detail my findings below.
It should be noted that it is recommended that you take Hunter Focus for at least three months in order to notice all of the benefits.
Just before I begin, to give you a little bit of context as to who I am and what I do – I am a self-employed writer, with a young family (two boys aged 5 and 2). I am in my mid-thirties.
My biggest weakness, if I’m honest, is focus and motivation – not having a boss is great, but it requires a lot of self-discipline, with nobody to keep your momentum going other than yourself.
So when I began taking Hunter Focus a month ago, I wanted to notice some improvement on that front.
I have to say, the first morning of taking the full dose of six capsules was a bit of a shock to the system – it’s a lot for anyone in one go!
As is often the case with nootropics, and all supplements for that matter, I didn’t notice much immediate change. It was the following week when I started to notice a difference.
This change was subtle in terms of how I actually felt. But on the work front, I realized just how much quality work I’d achieved by the end of my working week.
What had I specifically done differently? Nothing, really! I had just achieved more. I even managed to finish early on Friday and go to pick my son up from school!
This has continued for the rest of the trial month, with more work achieved on the days I usually have a dip (for me, this is mid-week). Not massive amounts, just a real noticeable difference that ultimately made my week much more manageable and successful.
Since trialing Hunter Focus, my confidence to pitch for more work has increased, knowing that my productivity levels can allow for more deadlines to be achieved.
I have also been able to spend more time with my family, and truly be present when I am. I’m not thinking of all the work that I have to finish before the end of the week – that’s all in hand. I can be with them and genuinely enjoy it.
Hunter Focus has helped me exactly where I needed help – with focus, and therefore productivity. And this had a significant knock-on impact on every aspect of my life, even if the initial change hasn’t been overwhelming. Just a little more focus has made a huge difference.
Hunter Focus Pros & Cons
In order to portray an accurate picture of Hunter Focus, I have taken into account the experience of other users as well as my own.
The Pros
We’ll start with the obvious one. While it would be unfair to expect Hunter Focus to radically alter your mind and productivity, we found that most people who start taking this supplement do find themselves being able to focus and concentrate for longer.
If you struggle with focus in particular, this improvement will be more obvious to you.
Elevated Mood
Many people who take Hunter Focus report that they feel more emotionally balanced than they did before they started taking it. Less stressed and generally more ‘at peace’.
This may be a by-product of the increased focus – more success in what you’re doing equals less stress and more positivity. Regardless, it is certainly a positive impact from supplementing with Hunter Focus.
More Energy
Having more energy does impact both your mood and focus, but it is a separate advantage on its own. Because Hunter Focus deliver this energy in a calm way. You don’t experience the crashes and jitters that often come with so many supplements that aim to work on our energy levels.
The energy I experienced whilst using Hunter Burn was noticeable yet steady, and very welcome both professionally and personally.
The Cons
Six Capsules
Need I say more?! I mean, it’s a lot, isn’t it? There are many people who don’t get on with swallowing pills. So having to take six first thing in the morning, every day, for the long term, may just impact how long you manage to stick to it.
And with nootropics, the longer you take them for, the more positive effects you’ll experience. Personally, I got used to it, and some people won’t have a problem with this at all; it’s just something to be aware of if you struggle with swallowing capsules.
We’ve covered the caffeine situation already, but it can be a dealbreaker if you’re sensitive to caffeine. If you react badly to one cup of coffee, then the equivalent is in one serving of Hunter Focus. Not massive, but a problem for some of us.
Perhaps because you are required to take so many capsules a day, Hunter Focus does come out as one of the more expensive nootropics per dose.
However, you can make good use of their bundle deals, which can save a fair amount and bring that price down to great value for a premium supplement.
Check out our founder’s test of Hunter Focus below:
The impact that Hunter Focus has had on both my work and home life has been very positive. It may all boil down to just a little bit of focus at work, but the knock-on effect of that has rolled very nicely into other aspects of my life.
It seems perfect for someone like me who is capable of working well, but just wasn’t doing it regularly enough.
I do think that the change it made in how I actually felt was relatively minor, but this is what makes Hunter Focus so good. It helped me access extra focus and improved energy (and therefore a better mood), in a subtle and sustainable way that I’d welcome for the long term.
I would wholeheartedly recommend giving Hunter Focus a trial to see the difference it could make to you both personally and professionally. It’s a carefully crafted, completely natural supplement, and gets top marks from me.

This article was written by: Alex Whybrow – Full Time Writer, Coffee Connoisseur & Nootropic Fan
Alex spends a lot of his time writing. He is a creative soul who loves to express himself through his written word. When focus or concentration becomes an issue he turns to nootropics. Aside from the world of nootropic supplementation and writing, Alex is a huge fan of coffee and can regularly be found consuming it and writing about it.
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✎ June 14, 2024: Ingredients and dosages checked and updated, additional ingredients added in line with official product website. Content checked for errors and reformatted.