Companies that address employee mental health and wellbeing in their 2016 annual reports enjoyed up to three times more profit.

Key findings:
– 3 in 4 FTSE 100 companies do not mention “mental health” in their annual report at all
– 1 in 3 do not mention “wellbeing” at all
– The industries that focus most on wellbeing are utilities, finance, insurance, real estate and pharmaceuticals
– Media, construction and services ranked lowest
Soma’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: FTSE 100 Report 2017 is based on a semantic analysis of all the annual reports published by FTSE 100 companies in the last year. More than 20,000 pages of corporate reporting were scanned for references to employee mental health and wellbeing. Results were clustered by company size, revenue and industry as well as by Glassdoor rating. A statistical analysis of variance between mental health and wellbeing count and company profitability was also undertaken.
The best-performing sectors include utilities and pharmaceutical companies. Among the worst performers are retail, consumer goods and construction businesses. All 100 companies and their results are listed.
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